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My booth at the Arabian Horse Celebration

The Arabian Horse Celebration at Freedom Hall was a great success! Armed with brand-new business cards and an ink portrait to work on during downtime, I met many wonderful Arabian horse owners and several other vendors, as well as one of the photographers who took the photos that inspired some of my paintings, Kari Hester. I was also introduced to Kay Griffith, the owner of the grey Arabian featured in two of the paintings you see in the photo to the left, and Madison Carter, the young lady pictured in two of the paintings I exhibited at the show.


I also met several new young friends! Many beautiful little girls -- all obsessed with horses of course -- visited by booth with wonder in their eyes over the paintings, most of which were bigger than they were!


Hopefully I will be fortunate enough to paint some of the beautiful horses that were in the show ring!


Kay Griffith, posting with the two paintings of her mare, Natalya TO

Two beautiful young ones, taking in the beauty of the paintings

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